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Overseas Publicity

British Publicity

Programme Committee

Film Liaison

Frank Arnold
Fred Brown
Dave Cohen
Philip Duerr
Peter Hamilton
Ewan Hedger
Terry Jeeves

John Wyndham

John Carnell

Roberta Wild

Charles Duncombe

Joy Clarke
Vincent Clarke

Pamela Bulmer
Ken Bulmer

Dave Newman
Norman Shorrock

Peter West
John Brunner

Eric Jones
Ethel Lindsay
Nigel Lindsay
John Roles
Arthur Sellings
Ken F. Slater
Walter A. Willis

Secretarial Address:
Treasurer's Address:
204 Wellmeadow Road, Catford, London S.E.6, England
82 Albert Square, Stratford, London E,15, England

THERE WAS A TIME when the very idea of a World Science Fiction Convention to be held in London would have seemed like the ingredient of an SF story. When the first British SF Convention was held in Leeds in 1937, neither Arthur C. Clarke, nor Eric Frank Russell, nor John Carnell, who were all present, produced any extrapolations of this event, yet we ought to have foreseen it. The source of strength had already been evident on the back pages of the magazines for ten years - that same, continuing enthusiasm which brought fans, readers, writers, editors, And artists together for the First World Convention,a and has now carried them on to the verge of the Fifteenth.

It is not only a great compliment that the Fourteenth Convention should have voted for London as the site of their next meeting, but evidence that the enthusiasm of an originally small band has grown truly international.

As President of this year's Convention, I should like to give a welcome in advance to all who will attend it, and with particular warmth to the delegates from America, and from the Continent. And to those members who are themselves unable to come I would say, we shall be sorry not to have you with us this time, but you may rest assured that we shall be very Conscious of the support, interest, and enthusiasm of all those who have helped to make this Convention possible.

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ONE OF THE HIGHLIGHTS OF American World Conventions in recent years has been the presentation of individual achievement awards for the best novel, serial, short story, magazine, artist, book reviewer, fanzine, and the most promising writer. After due consideration the London Committee feel that the American custom is impracticable to operate on an international basis. Past achievement awards have been an integral part of American science fiction and voting on the awards has been kept primarily to the American publishing field.

On an international footing, it means that members of the Society in America would almost all vote on achievements within their own country, British members within the British field, plus voting on the two British reprint editions (which would be unfair to those American magazines not reprinting); and Continental and Australian members would vote on either British or American according to which was distributed in their country. Further, since the British reprints are many months behind the publishing date of the corresponding American editions, confusion would arise as to which British issues were eligible for inclusion in 1957.

As the International Fantasy Award will probably be revived this year for the best novel of 1956 (and presented at the World Convention), the Committee have decided that three Awards only will be made this year. One each for the best professional American and British magazine, and one for the best fanzine published in any country in the world.

With this JOURNAL each member will receive a Postal Ballot Form on which to record his choice for all three Awards. For the prozines, two votes may be cast - one for British and one for American (British reprints will count as British magazines), but where only the national publications of a country are read, only one vote need be recorded for the best magazine of that country.

ALL BALLOTS MUST REACH THE CONVENTION SECRETARY NO LATER THAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 31ST 1957 and must be recorded on the official ballot form, which bears your membership number. Your decisions should be based on magazine issues published between July 1956 and July 1957, quoting the outstanding reason why you consider your choice to be the best.

Don't lose your Ballot Form -- fill it out and post it by the beginning of July without fail !

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IF you've ever been on a Programme Committee you will know that the most difficult thing to be asked to do six months before the Convention is to issue a Programme Report. At this comparatively early stage it isn't possible to give a lot of detail, so we are only going to outline our general policy, filling in the picture with those events already arranged.

Firstly (and this seems important to quite a lot of people) we don't propose to hold any formal programme sessions in the mornings. There will be something to entertain those hardy spirits who are up and around though! A Jazz concert on tape, perhaps --- excerpts from broadcasts

or film sound-tracks. Something on those lines, anyway! And don't think that the programme is going to be overwhelmingly serious. The way we look at things is this -- people are coming to the Convention to be entertained (among other things) and to our minds this means essentially light entertainment, The Con will have its serious moments, of course, but we don't aim to flatter the highbrows at the expense of people like ourselves.

Looking at the overall picture, each day of the convention falls, fairly loosely, into a different category. Friday will be devoted mainly to meeting old friends and, we hope, making new ones. Saturday, fairly serious in parts but opening with a bang and building up to a grand finale. Sunday, definitely on the lighter side with plenty of scope for trufanniah activities. Monday the day for WSFS business and goodbyes but accompanied by plenty of light relief. That's the way we've planned it and we hope you'll like it.

Now for a bit of detail. The Official Opening of the Convention will take place on the Friday evening at nine o'clock - on the dot. This w1ll be mercifully short so that people can go back to the serious business of the evening like talking and drinking. We'll introduce the Chairman, the President, and the Guest of Honour and maybe mention some of the celebrities who are present. Then we'll leave you to your own devices, though

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there will be some light programme items running for those who are interested.

The Chairman has already mentioned the Luncheon session which will take place on the Saturday. This should be a lot of fun for all concerned - we suggest that you reserve your place early to be sure of getting in. For those who don't like formal meals of this nature, the hall will be open to spectators when the speeches (we use the word advisedly) commence. However, the best points of vantage will be at the tables themselves so why not enjoy the meal as well? After all, you never know who might be sitting next to you.

Starting late on Saturday evening will be the Fancy Dress Party. We want this to be a really colourful Affair and we need YOUR support. There will be a competition for the costumes and we will have some good prizes in categories such As "The Most Original Rig-out", "The Most Ingenious Costume", " The Horriblest (lovely word) Disguise" and so on! Music for dancing, a bar in the ballroom, and probably a late night buffet served on the spot ... there's a lot of detail to be settled yet.

Sunday is more difficult to write about, but it will in the main be for the fans and (we hope) by the fans. We can't say much without giving away a few jealously guarded secrets but we CAN say that if you want to do something yourselves, well - the more the merrier, and

why not drop us a line and let us know?

On Monday, of course, one of the high-lights of the business sessions will be the balloting for the 1958 Consite. We've got a feeling that there'll be some strenuous rivalry between sites on the American West Coast - and excitement will probably run high. It's probable that there will be other business to transact as well, but that remains to be seen. We imagine that Monday evening will be devoted to tearful farewells though once again there will be a background programme for those who want it.

Among the other items already planned will be the auctions. These have become traditional in science fiction conventions all over the world but we're going to try a different slant on things this year. Instead of one long section resulting in boredom for the audience and exhaustion for the auctioneers, we propose to have two or three sessions strictly limited in length and have the pick of the lots on show beforehand so that people will have an opportunity to see what they would like to bid for in advance. We've already had the offer of some excellent lots for the auction:

And that's about all we can tell you et the moment , There's plenty in the wind, and the way things are beginning to shape looks good to us!

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Don't feel that you will have to miss the Worldcon because of the children.

Arrangements have been made to provide capable babysitters for the youngsters, and older children will be taken on eight-seeing tours. Let Us know right away how many children you will bring and their ages.

Enjoy a four-day break while we look after the children...


Full page:
Half pages
1/4 page:
1/8 page:
Booster ads are
2/6d 35c
for two lines.

These charges are for space only; copy must be prepared by the advertiser ready for photography, preferably 1 1/2 times the printed size.

Page type area is
7" x 4 3/4"


Send your order and copy as soon as possible. Closing date for the next JOURNAL is: JUNE 22

Closing date for the PROGRAMME BOOKLET


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Since JOURNAL NO.1. was distributed at the beginning of March, complete details of the proposed Charter Flight for American delegates have been issued by the London Trip Fund Committee in New York, who are an official sub-committee of this year's World Convention.

The Committee is headed by David A. Kyle, President: Secretary-Treasurer, Ruth E. Landis; and Vice-Presidents, George Nims Raybin and Belle C. Dietz.

As April 30th is closing date in America for round trip reservations and this JOURNAL will not be in the mails until May 6th, we are giving only brief details here. American fans who have not requested reservation may still be fortunate to obtain passage up to May 30th if there have been any cancellations. Members still interested should write immediately to the Secretary at 251 West 102nd Street, New York 25, New York.


The New York Committee have arranged a round trip schedule, leaving Idlewild Airport, New York, on Friday night, August 30th, in a Pan-American DC-6B, arriving at

London Airport on Saturday morning, The return flight has been scheduled for Saturday September 14th, Arriving at New York on the Sunday. This will give the delegates two weeks vacation in England, with the Convention itself the central point. Should response be as high as expected, a second plane may be provided.

* ARRANGENENTS HAVE NOW been made for the collection in New York of membership dues to this year's World Convention, instead of transmitting cheques or cash to London.

Applicants should send one dollar to Franklin M. Dietz Jr., 1721 Grand Avenue, Bronx 53, New York, stating this sum is for the 1957 World Convention Society membership. Membership cards and all Society literature will then be issued from London.

American pro and fan mags please copy!

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193. David MacDonald
194. Martha Cohen
195. David Pollard
196. Charles H. Infinity
197. Sandy Sanderson
198, Rick Sneary
199. Keith T. Johnson
200. Harlan Ellison
201. Charlotte Ellison
202. Margaret Jones
203. Arthur Hillman
204. J.R. Needham
205. Mrs. J.R. Needham
206. J, Marigny
207. Ina Shorrock
208, Frances Evans
209. Con Turner
210. Mrs. C. Turner
211. Shirley Marriott
212. Laurence Sandfield
213. Chuck Harris
214. Ellis T. Mills
215. Audrey Young
216. George Lye
217, Jim Marshall
218. Hal Kennedy
219. Ken Skelton
220. Harry Carr
221. Peter Emery
222. Trina Perlson
223. C. Riche-Evans
224. Pauline Anderson
225. Kathleen Youdon
226. Harry Wilkins
227. Doris Harrison
228, Harry Clements
229. William Bentley
230. Ted Taylor
231. Julian Parr
232. Michael Rosenblum
233. Norman Weedall
234. Stanley Nuttall
235. Bill Harrison
236. Frank Milnes
237. Patricia Milnes
238. T. W. Leng
239. Mrs. D. Leng
240. Bill Sokol
241. Graham B. Stone
242. Vol Molesworth
243. Michael Cannon
244. Lillian Chalmers
245. Bruce H. Purdy
246. Dr. David Barnett
247. Alan South
248. Joseph A. Sarno
249. Brian Burgess
250. Arthur Thomson
251. Anthony Boucher
252. Ben Stark
253. John Victor Peterson
254. Harry Harrison
255. Joan Harrison
256. Barnard A. Guidi
257. Leif Helgesson
258. Larry Sokol
259. Fred W. Arnold
260. S.F. Book Club
261. T.E. Forbes
262. Cyril Evans
263. Frank Simpson
264. Ken Smith
265. Bert Lewis
266. Arthur C. Clarke
267. D.H. Sailors
268. Betty Kujawa
269. Coral Smith
270. Ruth O'Rorke
271. Len J. Moffatt
272. Anna Sinclare Moffatt
273. John Boggess
274. T. Hiley O'Neill
275. Bea Peterson
276. Alan Hunter
277. James White
278. Robert Bloch